Airbus A380 – is this the end for the Superjumbo (Already ?)
You would ask why me why did I get a peculiar question like this, and that`s because of the moves taken by the customer`s of the A380. For instance , Flight 1 from Heathrow to Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia Airlines’ flagship service. On Tuesday evening, the plane with this flight number that touched down at the capital’s airport was a very new arrival, generally that route is served by a380 but now it`s been served by the smaller & younger A350, and its not just Malyasian many other` s have also done the same.
So, why are airline`s doing so , according to airlines it offers passengers “a more spacious interior” on long haul.
*Reason`s why airline`s are taking these moves-
Logically , the a380 is way bigger and should provide more space and is meant to fly long haul routes , BUT there are 2 main reasons why airline`s are opting out of airbus a380 considering smaller aircraft`s( comparitvly).
1)It`s believed that combination of improved efficiency ( due to 2 less engines & modern architecture of engine`s) and passenger appeal will prove more profitable than the superjumbo on its key intercontinental link.
2)In a ferociously competitive market, airline`s will have to sell have 42 per cent fewer seats to sell on each departure.
*Order Scenario-
This is not the end, for the past 2 years Airbus hasn`t got any new order`s for the a380 rather there have 2 cancellation`s even after the launch of the A380 plus which is larger Yet more efficient but seem`s like no one`s interested in purchasing it now , which make`s the a380 programe a loss now.
Till date there`s been 331 a380`s ordered of which 222 aircraft`s have been delivered the rest 130 are to be delivered by 2020, of the 331 orders Emirtaes have ordered 162 of these that's just below 50% of the total order`s received and also if there would be any future order`s than most probably it`s gong to be by Emirate`s ,the whole a380 programme greatly relies on Emirate`s and that`s what even the company firmly believe`s.
One Senior airbus sale`s employee quoted if they cant crack a deal with Emirate`s for new A380`s thanthe A380 programme would have to be stopped, in 2017`s Dubai air show it was expected that Emirates If we can’t work out a deal with Emirates,” said the planemaker’s top salesman, John Leahy, “I think there is no choice but to shut down the programme.”
Now let`s talk why are Airline`s losing interest in the airbus A380 and no one`s placing order for these.
1) The major reason for losing intrest is who would buy the 2nd hand plane , aircraft`s like 777`s all get 2nd owners quickly and that`s why airline`s are ready to purchase it now also because they know after even after 15-20 year`s it`s going to get a new owner quickly but that`s not the case with the jumbo , this is the issue which is faced by many of it`s current customer`s,
Let me make my point clear , Singapore airline`s were the opening customer`s of the airbus a380 and they recently retired it`s first acquired A380 which they got in 2007 but after it`s retirement no one`s interested in buying it , it`s been sitting in Airbus facility getting rusty waiting for it`s new owner but till now it`s not got any , and this was the same concern expressesd by emirate`s when asked why didn`t they order the a380+ , they told they would want their retired aircraft`s to be used by some other company rather than to by scrapped and it`s a genuine cocern too for the airline`s and this was also a major reason why none of the American airlines were interested in buying the Jumbo.
2) Too many seats -
At a time when aviation is expanding globally at 7 per cent a year, the idea that a plane could have too many seats may seem absurd. Surely it would be far more efficient to replace the motley mix of 757s, 767s, 777s, 787s, A330s and A340s on the London-New York run with A380s, halving the number of flights and freeing up slots? Well, leaving aside the reality that no US airline has expressed interest in the A380, the market on the world’s premier intercontinental air route demands frequency. American Airlines, British Airways, Delta, United and Virgin Atlantic know that the premium passengers who bankroll the link are more interested in the next departure being only an hour away than in the aesthetic appeal of a double-deck jet.
3)Too many engines
In 1993, an aircraft of the scale of the A380 could only be conceived with four large engines. In an era when oil was comfortingly below $20 a barrel, fitting two engines on each wing was in vogue – and appreciated by passengers. The four-engined Airbus A340 was about to enter service; when Virgin Atlantic became the launch customer for the A340-600, the stretched version, Richard Branson’s airline promoted it with the slogan “4 engines 4 long haul” – BA’s big rival was the twin-engined Boeing 777.
Today, Sir Richard and just about every other aviation entrepreneur is quite happy with two engines. The fuel burn per seat on the A350 is lower than the A380, while capital and maintenance costs are commensurately reduced.
* The Future of the mighty Jumbo-
Without Emirates, the program is dead, Airbus clearly needed the plan for additional orders to move forward to ease backlog and production concerns. Airbus sales chief John Leahy, known for shrewd sales pitches, had tied his retirement to the pending sale. But in just a couple of days time, the deal turned to dust when UAE voiced concerns about Airbus’ commitment to continue developing the A380 and reluctance to be left as the biggest operator of a jumbo jet that had reached the end of its production lifecycle.
If Emirate`s dosen`t order any more aircraft`s than the a380 programme will soon be dead and it will mark the end of the beautiful era of the a380 as that`s the only way the a380 is going to survive.
I hope you have liked this article and if you did enjoy it than do comment down and tell me how you feel about the jumbo and also follow me on Instagram for anything aviation.
So, why are airline`s doing so , according to airlines it offers passengers “a more spacious interior” on long haul.
*Reason`s why airline`s are taking these moves-
Logically , the a380 is way bigger and should provide more space and is meant to fly long haul routes , BUT there are 2 main reasons why airline`s are opting out of airbus a380 considering smaller aircraft`s( comparitvly).

1)It`s believed that combination of improved efficiency ( due to 2 less engines & modern architecture of engine`s) and passenger appeal will prove more profitable than the superjumbo on its key intercontinental link.
2)In a ferociously competitive market, airline`s will have to sell have 42 per cent fewer seats to sell on each departure.
*Order Scenario-
This is not the end, for the past 2 years Airbus hasn`t got any new order`s for the a380 rather there have 2 cancellation`s even after the launch of the A380 plus which is larger Yet more efficient but seem`s like no one`s interested in purchasing it now , which make`s the a380 programe a loss now.
Till date there`s been 331 a380`s ordered of which 222 aircraft`s have been delivered the rest 130 are to be delivered by 2020, of the 331 orders Emirtaes have ordered 162 of these that's just below 50% of the total order`s received and also if there would be any future order`s than most probably it`s gong to be by Emirate`s ,the whole a380 programme greatly relies on Emirate`s and that`s what even the company firmly believe`s.
One Senior airbus sale`s employee quoted if they cant crack a deal with Emirate`s for new A380`s thanthe A380 programme would have to be stopped, in 2017`s Dubai air show it was expected that Emirates If we can’t work out a deal with Emirates,” said the planemaker’s top salesman, John Leahy, “I think there is no choice but to shut down the programme.”
Now let`s talk why are Airline`s losing interest in the airbus A380 and no one`s placing order for these.
1) The major reason for losing intrest is who would buy the 2nd hand plane , aircraft`s like 777`s all get 2nd owners quickly and that`s why airline`s are ready to purchase it now also because they know after even after 15-20 year`s it`s going to get a new owner quickly but that`s not the case with the jumbo , this is the issue which is faced by many of it`s current customer`s,
Let me make my point clear , Singapore airline`s were the opening customer`s of the airbus a380 and they recently retired it`s first acquired A380 which they got in 2007 but after it`s retirement no one`s interested in buying it , it`s been sitting in Airbus facility getting rusty waiting for it`s new owner but till now it`s not got any , and this was the same concern expressesd by emirate`s when asked why didn`t they order the a380+ , they told they would want their retired aircraft`s to be used by some other company rather than to by scrapped and it`s a genuine cocern too for the airline`s and this was also a major reason why none of the American airlines were interested in buying the Jumbo.
2) Too many seats -
At a time when aviation is expanding globally at 7 per cent a year, the idea that a plane could have too many seats may seem absurd. Surely it would be far more efficient to replace the motley mix of 757s, 767s, 777s, 787s, A330s and A340s on the London-New York run with A380s, halving the number of flights and freeing up slots? Well, leaving aside the reality that no US airline has expressed interest in the A380, the market on the world’s premier intercontinental air route demands frequency. American Airlines, British Airways, Delta, United and Virgin Atlantic know that the premium passengers who bankroll the link are more interested in the next departure being only an hour away than in the aesthetic appeal of a double-deck jet.
3)Too many engines
In 1993, an aircraft of the scale of the A380 could only be conceived with four large engines. In an era when oil was comfortingly below $20 a barrel, fitting two engines on each wing was in vogue – and appreciated by passengers. The four-engined Airbus A340 was about to enter service; when Virgin Atlantic became the launch customer for the A340-600, the stretched version, Richard Branson’s airline promoted it with the slogan “4 engines 4 long haul” – BA’s big rival was the twin-engined Boeing 777.
Today, Sir Richard and just about every other aviation entrepreneur is quite happy with two engines. The fuel burn per seat on the A350 is lower than the A380, while capital and maintenance costs are commensurately reduced.
* The Future of the mighty Jumbo-
Without Emirates, the program is dead, Airbus clearly needed the plan for additional orders to move forward to ease backlog and production concerns. Airbus sales chief John Leahy, known for shrewd sales pitches, had tied his retirement to the pending sale. But in just a couple of days time, the deal turned to dust when UAE voiced concerns about Airbus’ commitment to continue developing the A380 and reluctance to be left as the biggest operator of a jumbo jet that had reached the end of its production lifecycle.
If Emirate`s dosen`t order any more aircraft`s than the a380 programme will soon be dead and it will mark the end of the beautiful era of the a380 as that`s the only way the a380 is going to survive.
I hope you have liked this article and if you did enjoy it than do comment down and tell me how you feel about the jumbo and also follow me on Instagram for anything aviation.
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